How to Speed Up PHP Curl
The PHP cURL library is a set of extensions that add functionality for websites that need to connect to external sources such as other websites or other processing pages. You use the "GZIP" function to...
View ArticleTutorial for SNMP in PHP
The SNMP protocol is an older solution for remotely auditing and managing information about network resources. You can use this protocol in PHP to retrieve information about a remote resource on the...
View ArticleMySQL Integer: Signed Vs. Unsigned
The MySQL database system provides developers with a range of numerical data types to choose from, including various integer types. The range of values you can store within a database using integers...
View ArticleWhat Is the PHP Mail Character Limit?
The "mail" function is used in PHP to send email messages. While PHP does not specifically impose limits on the size of an email message, it does set a limit on the amount of memory it will allocate to...
View ArticleHow to Build an Automated Register Bot
A bot, short for robot, can perform tasks automatically in place of a human. Bots can be used, for example, to register users on websites or to respond to requests. They are often employed to log in to...
View ArticleHow to Access a Webcam in PHP
The PHP language runs on a Web server to host dynamic pages for your readers. You can use PHP to dynamically create JavaScript code that accesses a connected webcam or video. Use this type of scripting...
View ArticleHow to Enable PDO for PHP Library on Go Daddy
Go Daddy provides hosting plans on either Windows or Linux servers. The PDO extension for PHP is enabled automatically on accounts hosted on Lixux servers. If you are currently hosting your website on...
View ArticleHow to Import Connections Into MySQL Workbench
The MySQL Workbench includes a connection section you use to connect your desktop to a MySQL database. If you have connections exported to a file, import these connection settings to the Workbench....
View ArticleHow to Create a Tree Menu With PHP & MySQL
A tree menu is a visual representation of a list of items, organized so that some items or categories, called parent nodes, can be expanded and show sub-items, called child nodes. Using PHP, you can...
View ArticlePHP Mkdir Permission Does Not Work
PHP provides a function called "mkdir" that lets you create a new directory. An optional argument specifies the numeric value of the permissions to be assigned to the new directory. For example,...
View ArticlePHP Error: Undefined Offset
In PHP, an indexed array stores key-value pairs of data using non-zero integers as keys. The first array element has a key of zero and subsequent elements are consecutively numbered. An array that uses...
View ArticlePHP Fatal Error: Cannot Unset String Offsets
In the Personal Home Page (PHP) programming language, you change a string -- a sequence of characters -- by using offsets to access and modify individual characters. Employing the wrong PHP functions...
View ArticleDoes Joomla Use a Lot of RAM?
Joomla is an open-source content management system. Originally designed to run on the popular LAMP platform made up of the Linux operating system, Apache Web server, mySQL database server and PHP...
View ArticleTwitter API Password Length Limit
Twitter's application programming interface is something that programmers can use to make applications, websites and widgets that interact with Twitter itself. The conversation that happens between...
View ArticleGet_Headers Vs. cURL Speed on PHP
PHP Client URL Library -- or cURL -- is a method to retrieve remote files. Get_headers and cURL functions create internet connections to retrieve HTTP status codes and website information. Web data...
View ArticleHow to Make Comments in a PHP File
PHP, the PHP Hypertext Preprocessor, uses the recursive acronym tradition beloved of the Open Source movement. It also uses several syntax and formatting conventions from the Perl programming language....
View ArticleHow to Capture a Page Title Using PHP
When you need to get a Web page's title in a PHP script and you search the documentation for a predefined constant containing the title, you won't find one. However, since you know that the title of a...
View ArticleHow to Join Two Strings in PHP
While most operations involving strings in PHP are performed by functions, there are two string operators. The concatenation operator is denoted with a period. It joins two strings together. The...
View ArticleHow to Read Query Strings in PHP
When you enter "" into a browser, you run the PHP script "program.php" at the website "" and provide three parameter values:...
View ArticleHow to Insert a PHP File in All Pages
Reusing the same code segment over and over against across multiple source code files is a poor programming practice that creates code that is difficult to maintain. It is for this reason that PHP...
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